Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Organize Your Life – 5 Tips to Start Organizing Your Life Today!

Many people may be feeling stressed due to the economy and just life in general. One way to eliminate some stress in your life is to begin to organize your life. Being more organized can help your day run more smoothly and can reduce your stress load. Begin by implementing these helpful tips into your daily routine.

Tip #1 – Use a Calendar or Day Planner – If you forget about appointments and obligations often it is very help to write all appointments and activities down on a calendar or day planner. Some families us a central calendar in the kitchen so everyone can see what activities are scheduled for the upcoming days. Now just writing the appointments on a calendar is not enough to remember them, it is suggested that you get in a habit of check your calendar each evening before bed and again in the morning so you know what is on the agenda for the day. This calendar habit will help you to lead a more organized life.

Tip #2 – Plan “What’s for Dinner” – One question can cause more stress on a daily basis and that is “What’s for Dinner?” You can eliminate a lot of stress from your life by sitting down each week and making a meal plan for the week. Do this before you go to the grocery store and also try to only shop for food once a week. This will also help organize your life and reduce stress. Pick one day each week for grocery shopping and meal planning. If you don’t know where to start when planning your meals, write down what you fix for dinner each night on your calendar and in a week or do you will have a menu plan.

Tip #3 – Have a Special Spot for Keys and Other Important Items – Most people spend so much time in the morning looking for their keys and cell phone. If you have a designated spot for these items in your home you will eliminate that stress from your life in your morning routine. Just get in a habit of putting these items in their special spot immediately when you get home. Then you will know right where they are in the morning or the next time you need to leave the house.

Tip #4 – Lay Out Your Clothes for Tomorrow – Another area that takes up a lot of time in the morning is deciding what to wear for the day. Get in the habit of laying your clothes out for tomorrow before you go to bed and you can save a lot of time in the mornings. Then if something needs to be ironed or washed you can do that the night before.

Tip #5 – Keep all Bills in One Central Location - If you keep all your monthly bills in one central location you will begin to be more organized in your finances. First, designate a spot to keep all monthly bills that need to be paid. Then, when you get the mail, make sure to put all your bills in this special spot. Only handle your mail once. This will help keep your finances in order and paying your bills on time because you can find them.

So, as you can see, if you follow these five simple tips you will be well on your way to living an organized life starting now.

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